Past Events

If you have missed out on a previous event, or interested in attending a future event or seeking additional training, please get in touch.

  • August 9-11 2024 (Perth, WA) Dental 3D Printing and Digital Design Course – From zero to HERO
  • 7-9 June 2024, (Sydney) “Zero to Hero” 3D printing and fundamental digital design course
  • 24-25 May 2024 (Sydney) Digital Dentistry and Technology
  • 3-4 May 2024 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – ” Screw it – I’ll just 3D print it!”
  • 21 & 22 March 2024 (Sydney) ADX – “Printed Restorations – Is This the End of the Milling Era?”
  • 22-24 February 2024 (Adelaide) “Zero to Hero” 3D printing and fundamental digital design course, – 3-day comprehensive 3D printing and digital design course
  • 9-10 February 2024 (Sydney) 3D Printing in Dentistry – “Modern issues facing dental 3D printer users in Australia”
  • 6 Sep 2023 to 7 Sep 2023 – Sydney- Screw it – I’ll just 3D print it!
  • July 12 2023 – Los Angeles, California – The printed restoration – is this the end of the milling era?
  • July 7-8 2023 – Honolulu Hawaii – Chairside dental digital design and 3D printing @ SprintRay Users and Discovery Event
  • 19 May 2023 to Sun 21 May 2023 (Sydney) – From Zero to HERO – Ultimate 3
  • 22-23 March 2023 (Perth) – Screw it – I’ll just 3D print it!
  • 10 February 2023 – Dentevents 3D Printing in Dentistry Conference (Sydney) – 3D Printing in My Practice
  • 3 November 2022 (Sydney) – Screw it – I’ll just 3D print it!
  • 14 September 2022 (Sydney) – 3D Print Training Course – Crown HERO.
  • 14 August 2022 – CM Medical – From zero to HERO – 3D Print Training Course
  • 4 June 2022 – Dentevents – Digital Dentistry & Dental Technology Conference and Exhibition
  • 29 April 2022 – CM Medical – From zero To HERO – 3D Print Training Course
  • 19 March 2022 – ADX22 Sydney – So You Want to Get Into 3D Printing – But Where Do You Start?
  • 18 March 2022 – ADX22 Sydney – Chairside 3D Printing In Your Practice
  • 20 November 2021 – Tri Academy Australia – Matrix Training Course 2021

Above & Below: Zero to Hero (Perth 2024)

Above: Speaking at ADX 2023

Above: Zero to Hero (Sydney 2022)